Brandon Jones - Envisage Digital

Brandon Jones.



  • Magento Developer
  • Certified Magento Developer
  • E-Commerce
  • New Business
  • BigCommerce Developer
  • Shopify Developer

As a certificated Magento Developer, passing both the Adobe Professional Developer and Adobe Front End Expert exams, Brandon is an expert developer and oversees both development and new business at Envisage Digital. 
Brandon completed a degree in Business Computing which entailed multiple different programming disciplines, covering database management, system analysis, software design and website development.

Incomparable experience as a frontend developer specialising in e-commerce website platforms, means that Brandon is the perfect first contact for new clients to Envisage Digital. Providing an unbiased understanding of all the e-commerce platforms available, results in a fair and knowledgeable review of platforms that may be applicable to each business. 
When Brandon isn’t working, find him walking his adorable dog Lola around the wonderful walks around Dorset!

Some of the frameworks and systems Brandon is proud to work with.
Shopify aws magento js big-commerce