Magento Code & Performance Audit Services | Envisage Digital

Magento Code & Performance Audit Services

When was the last time your website underwent a Magento 2 code audit? 
Here at Envisage Digital, we have a clear understanding of the unique challenges business owners face in today’s highly competitive marketplace, especially when using a Magento eCommerce platform.

We offer custom web design and development services to meet our client’s unique eCommerce needs and drive long-term success for their businesses.

Our Magento site audit service is a critical part of ensuring optimal website performance. From faster page load speeds to increased ROI and conversion rates, the benefits of performing a Magento code audit and review of your store are virtually endless. To learn more about how our Magento site audit and extensive experience and skills can help you grow your business, contact us today for more information.

Magento Site Audit Tailored to Your Store

Our team performs custom Magento site audits, delving deep into your current Magento store to discover any bugs, outdated code, or performance issues that are holding you back. We offer a range of Magento performance audits and support services, including:

• Technical SEO Audit
• Security Audit
• Frontend Reviews
• Backend Reviews

To learn more about how our Magento performance audit service can elevate your website, contact our Magento experts today for more information.

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Why Should You Perform A Magento Site Audit?

Why is it so important for you to get a Magento site audit for your website? If your Magento store has too many installed extensions and various modules, unbundled JavaScript, and excessive database requests, customers will inevitably have an awful user experience.

A Magento performance audit evaluates the key performance metrics of your website, pinpointing technical issues that slow page load speed and negatively impact UX.

Magento 2 Speed Improvements

Boost Website Performance

If your Magento store is underperforming, we strongly recommend opting for a technical performance audit.

Our expert developers will evaluate code quality and perform a detailed review, eliminating database queries that create unnecessary bottlenecks and contribute to poor performance.

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Improve Conversion Rates and Sales

Who doesn’t want to see a significant boost in both conversions and sales for their eCommerce business? If you’re struggling to land new customers, our Magento code audit service can tell you why.


After identifying the issues, we can perform optimisations like updating from default Magento to the latest version, streamlining core code and applying security patches to improve your user experience. Ultimately, those optimisations will boost the effectiveness of SEO, increase conversions, and drive more sales. 

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Increase Trust in Your Brand

Performing a Magento 2 code audit on your website can also help increase trust in your brand. Our Magento experts will conduct an in-depth Magento site audit to check for problems or issues; then, our development team can help you fix them and keep your store running smoothly.

By ensuring your customers get a seamless shopping experience, you’re also building stronger brand loyalty.

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Keep Your Business and Customer Safe

Security breaches aren’t just insanely expensive; they’re also incredibly damaging to your company’s reputation. Once we have conducted a Magento site audit, you’ll have a comprehensive report identifying every vulnerability or potential threat. Then, if you decide to choose our optimisation services, our team will immediately start the process of applying the necessary security patches and upgrades. We can also do further consulting work as needed.

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Eliminate Errors

A Magento site audit also allows you to quickly and accurately identify errors in your source code, giving your Magento store faster performance and improved customer experience.


First, we’ll evaluate key areas to check for SQL injections, illegal permissions, or unnecessary bottlenecks, which are all a form of bad coding practice and will negatively affect your website’s performance.

Magento Speed Optimisation

Future-Proof Your Website

A thorough analysis of your website and its core code is a good starting point for a technical Magento site audit, but it takes more than that. Our agency focuses on support services and ensuring long-term success for our clients.

After your Magento site audit, our team will provide ongoing support for your business and optimisation services if you want to make the changes we recommended in our Magento performance audit report.

Choose Your Magento Site
Audit Package

We offer several Magento performance audit packages. You can choose between our specialised packages or opt for The Works, which gives you premium access to our most advanced support services for your eCommerce store.

SEO Performance

Magento websites with poor or no SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) won’t attain the visibility necessary to dominate today’s digital marketplace. The most technical Magento site audit for SEO involves combing your entire site to review keyword relevance, content quality, and other important ranking factors. For this, we highly recommend our Magento SEO performance audit, which will give you the information necessary to optimise your site for maximum performance.

Frontend Performance Review

Frontend performance is crucial to maintaining a high-functioning eCommerce platform. Our team will review every line of your Magento core code with a fine-tooth comb, searching for the use of CDN (Content Delivery Networks), CSS and JS bundling, full-page cache, system SSD, and other types of asset optimisation.

Backend Performance Review

Our team can also perform a technical Magento site audit of the backend of your site. Some of the most important features our backend developers look for on your website include:

  • Database queries
  • Magento coding standards and code quality check
  • Magento database and server configuration
  • PHP code efficiency
  • Overall website performance
  • Third-party extensions

Security Review

Every business owner should have a regular Magento security performance audit of their store. Our review will include checking for:

  • Outdated software versions
  • Firewall configurations
  • Unauthorised writes and file permissions
  • Malware and viruses
  • Malicious core code injections
  • Unauthorised admin accounts

The Works

For our clients with outdated Magento websites, we offer The Works, which is all of our premium Magento 2 code audit services combined into one package. The Works includes all the features we listed earlier and is a surefire way for our clients with Magento stores to drive revenue and boost their store’s performance in the long term.

Why Choose Envisage Digital?

As a UK-based agency, we have our thumb on the pulse of what makes eCommerce businesses tick. Not only does our team have extensive experience with Magento websites and code audits, but every member of our staff is a Certified Magento Developer and most regularly contribute to the Magento core open-source code. 

If you’re still not convinced, feel free to review some of our case studies to learn more about our Magento code audits and how they can help your business succeed.


How We Perform Magento
Site Audits

Are you curious about our Magento 2 code audit service and how it actually works? We field questions all the time from people with Magento stores who are curious about how we can help them. With our team of certified Magento developers, we use client-based processing and good old-fashioned hard work to ensure we don’t miss a single detail during your Magento site audit and review.

Gather Requirements

The first step of the process is to explore the scope of your Magento site audit and optimisation. First, we’ll sign NDAs (if necessary) and get the red tape out of the way. Next, we’ll determine your precise needs, wants, and problems that you want to pinpoint with our Magento site audit.

Our developers will also review your Magento website specifics, including notable integrations or third-party extensions. We’ll also need access to your systems, servers, source control (Github or Bitbucket), Google Search Console, and Google Analytics.


Next comes the actual review and code audit, which our Magento experts will perform based on your specific requirements and objectives. For example, are you trying to optimise performance for faster speed, or do you want to emphasise and upgrade security to give your customers a smoother shopping experience?

Maybe you’re the Magento admin, but you want to add other users on your staff–no matter your goals, we have the skill, experience, and raw talent to make it happen.

Quality Assurance

Here at Envisage Digital we take quality assurance very seriously.Our internal auditor checks every single report to ensure our coding standards are accurate and thorough. Between our genuine care for our clients and our passion for greatness, we have the tools to help you succeed within the Magento marketplace.

Audit Delivery

Next, you’ll receive a detailed report of our findings and our Magento development recommendations for optimising your store. If you have any questions about our Magento site audit report, we’re available round-the-clock to assuage your concerns. In addition, we’d be happy to answer any questions about how our custom solutions will help your business grow and thrive.

After-Audit Support

While some marketing agencies don’t provide support services after performing performance audits, that’s not the case with us. Our support services are all-inclusive, and if you ever need our assistance, all it takes is a quick phone conversation.

The first part of our aftercare services consists of a virtual meeting and an in-depth discussion and review of our findings. Then, when you’re ready to make the changes and optimisations we recommended from our Magento site audits, we’ll call in our expert technical team to get started right away, fixing any issues.

Finally, after we’ve modified Magento and made the necessary changes, we’ll be happy to perform another audit at half-price. Our second code audit will ensure your Magento store is performing at top-notch levels and that we have fixed all of your previous issues.

Magento Site Audits Made Simple

If you’re ready to invest in your future, take the first step with our Magento site audit services. Our team is experienced, knowledgeable, and waiting to help you achieve long-term success.

Call Envisage Digital today at 01202 016162 to schedule your initial consultation. 

Frequently Asked Questions About
Our Magento Site Audit Services

Site audits are an integral part of managing software systems, including eCommerce platforms like Magento. A site audit involves performing a comprehensive review and analysis of the software or system to ensure it’s running at optimal performance levels.

Our code audit services include a comprehensive report of our findings for your Magento website, including:

  • Technical SEO Site Audit
  • Frontend Performance Audit
  • Backend Performance Audit
  • Security Performance Audit

Our development team will also provide you with a list of the suggested improvements and recommendations for optimising your site.

Yes! Our team of experienced Magento developers can implement every recommendation in our site audit report. When we finish with the optimisations, your store will be running at top performance levels, with improved security and a responsive, engaging shopping experience for your customers.

Our site audit services support both Magento and Adobe Commerce.

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